Recursive common table expression (CTE)
against siccodes column of gender_pay_gap
WITH RECURSIVE "gpg_siccode_recurs" AS
        1 AS "counter"
        , x.gpgkey
        , x.employerid

        --* The recursive query will extract SIC codes from this field.
        , x.siccode_array

        --* The siccodes field is delimited by a command and a line-feed. The inner query
        --* below creates an array using the line-feed. Here we remove the comma and pad 
        --* each sic code to five characters.
        , RIGHT( '00000' || REPLACE( x.siccode_array[1], ',', '' ), 5 ) AS "siccode"

        --* In the recursion query, we will limit recursion to the number of elements
        --* in the array. So we need a count of array elements.
        , ARRAY_LENGTH( x.siccode_array, 1 ) AS "siccode_count"

    FROM (
                , employerid
                , siccodes
                --* The siccodes field is delimited by comma and a line-feed (Ascii 10)
                , STRING_TO_ARRAY( siccodes, CHR(10) ) AS "siccode_array"
            FROM gender_pay_gap

        ) AS x

        ARRAY_LENGTH( x.siccode_array, 1 ) >= 1

        --* SIC Codes of '0' and '1' are not legitimate SIC Codes.
        AND REPLACE( x.siccode_array[1], ',', '' ) NOT IN ( '0', '1' )

        y.counter + 1 AS "counter"
        , y.gpgkey
        , y.employerid
        , y.siccode_array
        , RIGHT( '00000' || REPLACE( y.siccode_array[y.counter + 1], ',', '' ), 5 )
                    AS "siccode"
        , ARRAY_LENGTH( y.siccode_array, 1 ) AS "siccode_count"

    FROM gpg_siccode_recurs y

        ARRAY_LENGTH( y.siccode_array, 1 ) >= y.counter + 1

        --* SIC Codes of '0' and '1' are not legitimate SIC Codes.
        AND REPLACE( y.siccode_array[y.counter + 1], ',', '' ) NOT IN ( '0', '1' )

    , counter
    , employerid
    , siccode
    , LEFT( siccode, 2 ) AS sicdivision
    , LEFT( siccode, 3 ) AS sicgroup
    , LEFT( siccode, 4 ) AS sicclass
    , siccode_count
FROM gpg_siccode_recurs
ORDER BY gpgkey, counter